30 Hilarious Comics With Unexpected Endings And Dark Humor By Daniel Murrell

Meet Daniel Murrell, an artist based in Southern California who brings smiles and laughter with his silly and unpredictable comic comics. Known for his comic series “Denby Draw Comics,” Daniel’s main aim is to spread joy and make people happy through his art.

Inspired by esteemed artists Bill Watterson and Chris Straub, Daniel started creating comics for his friends, but during the pandemic, he decided to share his work on social media. With 14.9K followers on Instagram who genuinely enjoy his work, Daniel’s talent for comedy shines through.

As an artist, Daniel’s ultimate goal is to bring laughter and create moments of joy for his audience. So, join us in embracing the humor and light-heartedness of Daniel’s comics. Get ready to chuckle and have a great time with his delightful creations.

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