Artist Turns National Geographic Pictures Into Illustrations, And The Result Is Adorable

Good Photographers have the quality to put a story and feel into a picture. But there is something about National Geographic photographs that always leaves us speechless. They wait for the right time and right situation for days and even weeks then they get a perfect shot. Their hard work always pays off with the beautiful and amazing pictures that come out of that. Most of us are not able to see exotic animals in real life or places but these pictures give us the opportunity to be part of it.

Those pictures are so captivating and covey a lot about the feel of it. They encourage us to look at the world from different angles. 

This inspired an artist from shanghai to base his artworks on the National Geographic photographs. The artist’s name is Jing Zhang (JN) and he recreates his favorite national geographic picture into digital artwork. He takes pictures he loves and makes illustrations inspired by them and they are amazing. 


This Chinese illustrator has a unique way of presenting the story through his artwork. He even provides the step-by-step process of creating a certain artwork. He posts a collage of the work in progress with pictures of the inspiration and the end result. His drawing looks like something straight out of a Disney movie.


While drawing the animals and places the creative liberty artist takes is so beautiful and colorful. He captures the emotions in his artwork as well. His animated version of the photograph and the animals are adorable.

People love his approach to the  National Geographic photographs. Jing Zhang Or crazyJN has more than 15.5k followers on Instagram.


More info – Instagram

We have picked the best artworks from crazyJN, scroll down and tell us what you like the most.







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