The artist behind @okbluecomics has yet again come up with a new comic and this one is about his dog Korbin. He draws charming and wholesome webcomics in different blue tones. His comics are adorable and the stories he tells from them are even cuter.
This new comic is based on an incident with the artist’s dog.
Remembering the incident the artist wrote that one day their dog Korbin was running to the house from the backyard when he made a peculiar yelp and began limping. They took Korbin to the vet and they gave them some medicines and sent them home. Korbin was diagnosed with arthritis and according to the vet, it could have been prevented if caught earlier.

The hard part was to prevent Korbin from playing with his siblings and reduce his movement.
The founder of @okbluecomics, a line of adorable and wholesome comics all drawn in blue, recently posted a more personal webcomic with his dog, Korbin.

Korbin went through surgery and it went well. The vet released him and they got Korbin home. The doctors put a cone on his neck to prevent him from licking his wounds. But the difficult part was to stop other dogs from licking his wounds. Hence To comfort Korbin and solve this issue, Korbin was put into his duckies pajamas which he loves.
They put him into his favorite jammies with his favorite stuffed avocado toy beside him.

Here is a photo of Korbin right after his surgery, probably still some effects of Anastasia. He looks adorable in his cute jammie and cone, with that innocent face.