10+ Comics With Hilarious Plot Twists

When you find life hard to bear, you can always head to the internet world, the virtual world, for unlimited fun & Humor Reading Dark comics is one way a lot of people pass their time and enjoy some really Fun And Hilarious Content.

Since these dark comics are so short and spontaneous, to say anything about them would be to spoil them. I’ll just assure you that these devilishly funny drawings will be enough to feed your hungry inner devil And it will surely help you to bear your Hard Life – which has to be suppressed from other people – and keep him calm for some time in the future.
We also know that you are always up for some hilarious stuff, so here we are collecting the funniest And Most Hilarious ones that are so relevant to life you can feel these comics personally.

If you really have such a Dark Sense of Humor Then After Reading this You’ll say For sure that, Life is a joke that we need to learn to enjoy and laugh about.


#1 What the FU#K 2142

#2 Eternal Love of father for his Dead DickHead Son

#3 Hey Ride with Fries?

#4 Gotham needs me.

#5 Watching Spongebob Squarepants.

#6 Coming to work like:

#7 I feel Blessed!!

#8 Eyes Cream – which flavor is your favourite?

#9 After a long day of Faking it.

#10 This is Pretty Terrifying!!

#11 Every Heart Needs A Brain

#12 Nois!!

#13 Facebook Master!!

#14 Savage Pet

#15 Miss understanding.

#16 Also relatable as a human.

#17 Fucking Beautiful Day!!

#18 Expensive Caviar

#19 It was the neck.

#20 Ugh… Facebook Master. Not again…

#21 Diamonds.

#22 He’s insane! Let me out!

#23 cats are evil!

#24 Love is in the Hair

#25 Janice is tired.

#26 Science kids flirting.

#27 The Turtle power

#28 Everything is cake.

#29 Sucking the life out of this dumpling.

#30 Trapped.

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