30 Weird and Funny Comics with Twisted Endings By “Arcade Rage”

Meet Mart Virkus, an incredible comic artist who brings humor to life with his funny and unexpected comics, memes, and jokes. Mart’s unique style combines video game elements with a touch of dark humor that will surely make you laugh.

Inspiration strikes Mart from his own experiences, allowing him to create comics that resonate with a wide audience. What sets Mart apart is his ability to convey humor without the need for words, letting the illustrations speak volumes.

His popular comic series, “Arcade Rage,” has garnered a dedicated following of 93.9K Instagram fans who can’t get enough of his work. So, take a moment to scroll down and immerse yourself in Mart’s delightful creations. And don’t forget to share your favorite comic in the comments section, we’d love to hear from you!

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