AITAH for telling my husband that my doctor knows more than him and refusing to forgive him?

In the scenario presented, a pregnant woman is grappling with significant marital strife, centered around disagreements with her husband over her health and the well-being of their unborn child. She has been diagnosed with a medical condition that necessitates strict physical restrictions to avoid preterm labor, advice that is underscored by her doctor’s expertise. Despite these clear medical directives, her husband questions the necessity of the restrictions, suggesting that doctors may exaggerate conditions for personal gain. This conflict escalates to a point where the woman’s emotional distress is palpable, as she confronts the reality of potentially undergoing a premature cesarean section while managing her husband’s persistent and inappropriate demands. Her situation highlights the deep-seated issues of trust and support within their relationship, particularly in a context where her health and their baby’s safety should be paramount.


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